Support for carers to relax and recharge
If you are caring for an older person at home, there will probably be times when you need to recharge your batteries, take a holiday, tend to your own medical needs or pursue your own interests for a while.
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Amana Living Respite Care can accommodate a wide range of care needs and levels of independence, including people living with dementia.
The aim of Respite Care is to support carers who are looking after an older person at home, by enabling you to take a break and relax, knowing that your loved one will be looked after by a specialist care team you can trust.
Our approach is to focus on the individual, understanding that the people we care for have enjoyed long and rich lives and that they each have their own unique needs, abilities and preferences.
Respite Care can be provided either at a residential care centre, at home or in a day club.
There are three different types of Respite Care
Care Centres
Day Clubs
Home Care Respite
A short stay can also help to ease the transition into permanent care.
Just as important, if you care for an older person at home, this option gives you the chance to take a real break and recharge your batteries.
We have two locations offering respite beds at Mosman Park Care Centre and The Beach House, Kinross Care Community. Mosman Park is a dedicated respite centre, bookable up to 6 months in advance.
To access respite at one of our care centres, you will need ACAT approval for residential respite. Your approval will provide residential respite care for up to 63 days per financial year.
Respite care is charged at the same rate as the basic daily fee and a Comfort Package Daily Fee (additional services) may apply. You may be eligible for government funding.
Contact our Customer Care Team for more information.

Learn about our Care Centre locations
Mosman Park Care Centre
Mosman Park
The Beach House, Kinross Care Community
All other care centres
Amana Living has six respite day clubs for older people.
All day clubs cater for people of any age living with dementia offering specially designed activity programs that meet varying abilities.
Our day club clients enjoy socialising, gardening, cooking, relaxing or going on outings, while carers have the chance to pursue their own interests for a few hours, or just relax.
Day clubs are open from Monday to Friday, with occasional weekend and evening activities. We can arrange transport to and from the club, and we provide lunch, morning and/or afternoon tea.

Learn about our Day Club locations
Club Lefroy Day Centre
Bull Creek
Club Catherine King Day Centre
Osborne Park
Club Alexander Heights Day Centre
Alexander Heights
Club Kinross Day Centre
Club Kalgoorlie Day Centre
Club Bassendean Day Centre
Home Care respite can help if you are unable to visit the person you care for or need a short break.
For up to nine weeks, our friendly Home Care workers can ensure that the person you care for is well looked after in the comfort of their own home.
Our in-home care services are provided throughout the Perth metropolitan area and in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Home, Garden & Maintenance
We can help you keep your home and garden in tip top shape.
View available servicesCommunity & Social
Whether it’s keeping in touch with friends, getting out in the community or making your appointments, we can help.
View available servicesHealth & Wellbeing
Enjoy the confidence that comes from feeling your best with our in-home personal care and wellbeing services.
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