Kites Seniors Social Outings
The program is funded by CHSP (Commonwealth Home Support Program) to enable those living in the community to maintain health, wellbeing and social contact, and to give carers a period of respite.
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The Amana Living Kites seniors social outings have run for 15 years and demand is growing.
The program is funded by CHSP (Commonwealth Home Support Program) to enable those living in the community to maintain health, wellbeing and social contact, and to give carers a period of respite.
Outings run Monday to Saturday in the north and south regions of the Perth metropolitan area and destinations include Hillarys, Fremantle, Toodyay, the Swan Valley, Araluen, Kings Park and much more.
Monday to Friday
We will pick you up from your home and return you at the end of the trip.
The bus will visit a scenic location for morning tea, then travel to a different destination to enjoy lunch within a cafe, restaurant or tavern.
Friday Kites trips operate a little differently. Our clients are welcomed to join a 'club' as per their interest, which will then take you on outings accordingly. We have a movie club, garden club, history club, animal lovers club and pamper club.
On Saturday outings, clients depart from a predetermined meeting point. They must find their own way to and from this meeting point.
Our Saturday trips usually involve one main location for the day. For example, Penguin Island, the Pinnacles, Araluen or the Mandurah Christmas Lights Cruise.
Kites social outings include a variety of different activities at suitable venues all over Perth.
Each day trip is tailored toward venues and activities that meet the interests of the clients.
Our Kites social outings offer people 65 years and over an opportunity to visit local venues such as restaurants, cafes, wineries, museums, movie theatres and much more.
The program design focuses on suitable venues that support a wellness and re-enablement approach and promote client independence.
Our trained staff provide support to clients on the day trips to ensure that individual needs and requests are met.
The Kites social outings incorporate Multicultural groups.
Kites clients have access to the following services
Transport to and from your home is provided (via a CHSP referral, through the HCP funding or as a fee for service) from Monday - Friday.
Community outings (Free transport included as part of the day trip, may incur a small cost for meals)
Meals and entry fees into venues are at the cost of the individual. Monthly program planners are provided to each client in advance to enable clients to choose their preferred day trip based on preference and cost.
Clients may be eligible to attend through government subsidised programs.
Kites trips are available to clients who may be eligible for government funding through My Aged Care, private fee paying clients and also brokerage from other organisations. If you would like to discuss eligibility for funding, please contact us on 1300 26 26 26 and we will help you.