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Our People

Our board is comprised of ten members

Our Board oversees the Chief Executive Officer and other senior management in the competent and ethical operation of Amana Living on a day-to-day basis.

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Our Board oversees the Chief Executive Officer and other senior management in the competent and ethical operation of Amana Living on a day-to-day basis.
Group 26
Sue Wilson

Sue Wilson B Juris, LLB, FGIA, FICSA, FAICD


Chair of Governance Sub-Committee

Sue joined the Board in 2017 and was appointed Chair in September 2021. She also chairs the Governance Sub-Committee. She was Deputy Chair from 2019 to 2021. Sue has extensive leadership and governance experience in the mining, banking and education sectors.

Sue Wilson
Tim Urquhart

Tim Urquhart BArch(Hons), MAICD


Finance & Audit Sub-Committee

Tim was appointed to the Board in November 2016. He is Deputy Chair and a member of the Finance and Audit Sub-Committee. Tim is the Director of Property, Facilities and Development at Curtin University, leading a complex capital portfolio responsible for the University’s campuses. Tim has extensive international and national leadership, and governance experience in the property and education sectors.

Tim Urquhart
Jennifer Delany Vaessen

Jennifer Delany Vaessen BCom CA


Chair of Finance & Audit Sub-Committee

Jennifer was appointed to the Board in December 2018. She is Treasurer and Chair of the Finance and Audit Sub-Committee. Jennifer is a Partner and Head of Finance Assurance for Deloitte Australia.

Jennifer Delany Vaessen
Ian Thubron

Ian Thubron MA (Cantab.), GAICD


Governance Sub-Committee

Ian was appointed to the Board in June 2020. He is the founder of Asia Strategies, a strategic and advisory firm for companies and brands wishing to enter Asian markets or increase their engagement in the region, as well as Principal at Axito, a growth consultancy. Ian is Chair of Blue Tree Project, a Director of Good Samaritan Enterprises, and a Parish Councillor at Christ Church Claremont where he chairs the Development Committee.

Ian Thubron
Dr Gail Ross-Adjie

Dr Gail Ross-Adjie RN, MClinNurs, Grad Cert BusAdmin, PhD


Chair of Clinical & Care Sub-Committee

Gail was appointed to the Board in July 2021 and is Chair of the Clinical & Care Sub-Committee. Gail has extensive senior nursing experience across a variety of clinical areas. She is an experienced academic and nurse researcher and is currently Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.

Dr Gail Ross-Adjie
Dr Michael Gannon


Board Member

Clinical & Care Sub-Committee

Michael was appointed to the Board in December 2021. He is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at St John of God Subiaco Hospital. He is Chair of the Perinatal & Infant Mortality Committee at WA Health and Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee at St John of God Subiaco Hospital. He is President of MDA National and a Director of MDAN Insurance Pty Ltd. He is a Board member of the Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA). He is a former state and national President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA).

Dr Michael Gannon
Robert Breden

Robert Breden BCom (Hon), GAICD

Board Member

Finance & Audit Sub-Committee

Rob was appointed to the Board in December 2021. He has extensive global experience in international finance and capital markets, and was previously a Managing Director of global investment bank Morgan Stanley. Rob is currently the General Manager of Peel Renewable Energy where he has led the development of the Peel Industrial Renewable Energy Microgrid project.

Robert Breden
Dr Amanda Boudville

Dr Amanda Boudville FRACP, MBBS UWA


Clinical & Care Sub-Committee

Amanda was appointed to the Board in August 2022. Amanda is Head of Aged Care and Rehabilitation at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospital and is an experienced geriatrician and stroke physician. She sits on the Council for the Australian and New Zealand Society of Geriatric Medicine, chairing the Policy and Planning Committee, and on the SMHS Board, chairing the People & Culture and Engagement Committee.

Dr Amanda Boudville
Julie Harrison

Julie Harrison BPE, Post Grad Science, GAICD

Board Member

Governance Sub-Committee

Julie was appointed to the Board in August 2022. She is the Managing Principal, Engagement and Change Advisory, Australia and New Zealand, for Aurecon, where her team specialises in business transformation, communications, stakeholder engagement and social value. Previously, Julie has been a Partner - Consulting at Deloitte Australia, and Business Transformation lead at Fujitsu Consulting Australia. She is also Deputy Chair of the Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence.

Julie Harrison
Kathy Barrett-Lennard

Kathy Barrett-Lennard OAM BA (Econs), Dip Theology

Board Member

The Venerable Kathy Barrett-Lennard OAM was appointed to the Board in September 2023 as Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy’s clerical appointee. Kathy was ordained as a priest in 2002 and dedicated many years to the Wongan Hills-Dalwallinu parish. Currently, she’s Senior Canon of St George's Cathedral, a Perth Diocesan Trustee and Rural Archdeacon among other senior church roles. Kathy has a passion for women’s issues, particularly supporting Indigenous women and disadvantaged women.

Kathy Barrett-Lennard
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