Amana Living Clinical Governance Framework
Clinical excellence is at the centre of all health care services which are delivered throughout Amana Living
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Amana Living has established a Clinical Governance Framework which defines the principles, structure and processes that underpin service quality, continuous improvement and resident and client (customer) safety.
Through the Clinical and Care Governance Policy, Amana Living is committed to:
- providing safe, high quality clinical care and services;
- implementing and maintaining good clinical governance practices reflective of the Framework; and
- integrating and embedding the framework within the organisation’s policies, procedures and practices.
The framework is underpinned by a model of Quality Assurance, and where the CEO, as Chair of the C&CGC, has the delegated authority of the Board to implement and oversee this framework.
In July 2019, the new Aged Care Quality Standards came into effect, with an increased expectation of providers to ensure safe and high-quality services; more consumer involvement in the delivery of services; and an increased focus on clinical and organisational governance.
The system by which the governing body, managers, clinicians and staff share responsibility and accountability for the quality of care, continuously improving, minimising risks, and fostering an environment of excellence in care and services for residents and clients.
This clinical governance system is operationalised through a framework, which facilitates the process of monitoring the performance of the organisation against the standards that the organisation has set for itself and committed to achieve.
The framework supports Amana Living’s approach to delivering high-quality care and services, and ensuring good clinical governance through a cycle of continuous improvement. This underpins the actions necessary to ensure good clinical and care outcomes.
It provides the context for clinical governance being an integrated component of corporate governance.
The Framework has five domains, with the central aim of delivering safe, effective relationship-based care for our residents and clients. The five domains are:
- Leadership and Culture
- Consumer Partnerships
- Safe Environment for the Delivery of Care and Services
- Clinical and Care Performance and Effectiveness
- Safe and Quality Systems

Leadership and Culture
Leaders ensure the service is actively pursuing the provision of safe, quality care for their residents and clients. They build a culture that supports and promotes consistent quality and safety and integrates clinical governance into corporate governance. Leaders foster a culture of openness, partnership with consumers, learning and continuous improvement.
Consumer Partnerships
Systems are designed and used to support residents, clients and their families to be partners in care planning, management and evaluation. The needs, goals and preferences of consumers guide the delivery of care. There is a culture of partnership, where consumers are provided with information and supported to express their wishes and make decisions about their care.
Consumers here include our residents and clients in residential, transition and home care services
Safe Environment
The environment promotes safe and high-quality care and services for residents and clients.
Clinical and Care Performance and Effectiveness
The workforce has the right qualifications, skills, training and supervision to operate at a consistently high level of knowledge, skill and behavioural competence and provide safe, high-quality care and services to residents and clients.
Safe and Quality Systems
Safety and quality systems are integrated with governance processes to actively manage and improve the safety and quality of care for residents and clients. Safe and quality systems ensure that incidents are recognised, reported and analysed, and used to improve the care provided. These systems are integrated with governance processes to ensure that the organisation can actively manage risk and improve the safety and quality of care and include a comprehensive incident management system.
Quality Assurance Model
This governance framework is supported by a model of Quality Assurance.

An important feature of the Quality Assurance Model is the reporting of information from the sites and services to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee and the Board.
This reporting function is an essential element of governance in the new Quality Standards.
Amana Living’s clinical governance framework is aligned with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s guidelines on clinical governance and is reflective of the new Quality Standards. The implementation of the framework and associated reporting allows the Board visibility of the quality of care and services delivered at Amana Living.
This framework is supported by our organisational values and '3Rs' culture of having the right people doing the right things in the right way, and is aligned with our strategic plan of being customer focused by having the resident/client at the centre of our service delivery.
The implementation of this framework is evidence of Amana Living’s commitment to continuously improve its services within a governance structure.